11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321
Who says maths can't be fun??
WOW! very interesting staff. did you find out this by your own???
thanks for sharing this.
hoho I always think math is fun ^^
Wow! That's incredible!
very interesting. How did you do it ?
good stuffs ...
search this type stuff in Mathmetician Sakuntala Devi
Good luck!!!
Great stuff!!
I was a dork that asked my dad for math problems in the summer. I took advance calculus just for fun, but now I'm having trouble remembering what 6*9 is. I still appreciate math but don't remember it.
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