The man discovered COLORS and invented PAINT,
The woman discovered PAINT and invented MAKEUP.

The man discovered the WORD and invented CONVERSATION,
The woman discovered CONVERSATION and invented GOSSIP.

The man discovered GAMBLING and invented CARDS,
The woman discovered CARDS and invented WITCHERY.

The man discovered AGRICULTURE and invented FOOD,
The woman discovered FOOD and invented DIET.

The man discovered FRIENDSHIP and invented LOVE,
The woman discovered LOVE and invented MARRIAGE.

The man discovered TRADING and invented MONEY,
The woman discovered MONEY and invented SHOPPING.

Thereafter man has discovered and invented a lot of things…
While the women STUCK to shopping….


cybeel said...

For us the saddest part is:
The woman discovered FOOD and invented DIET

For you the saddest part is:
The woman discovered LOVE and invented MARRIAGE

Anonymous said...

i cant believe it !
men are very good at gossip too , particularly when it concerns girls lol !

Anonymous said...


LazyKing said...

@cybeel, i totally agree, they are the saddest, loool

@Dima, when men are talking about girls, that's not gossiping :P

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