If you don't have a girlfriend, you are one of the luckiest guy and ....

1- You can stare at any Girl.......

2- You don't have to spend money on her.

3- No girlfriend, no emotional blackmailing.

4- You won't have to tolerate someone else defining, "right" and "wrong" for you.

5- You won't have to waste paper writing love letters.

6- No more endless waiting for your date to arrive at some weird shopping place.

7- You wont have to see boring love stories instead of sports.

8- You wont have to tell lie to anybody and, therefore, you'll sin less.

9- No nonstop nonsense.

10- You wont have to hide your telephone bills


Hippoleetoe said...

aw.. this makes me kinda sad :[

Hexum said...

Great list haha. I'm sure not everyone would agree but you're right on point.

cybeel said...

owww what a torture!!really...

3L said...

I hate the title so I gave it a lame. I think I'm feeling a little bitter. I'll now read it with an open mind.

3L said...

Okay, so what I laughed. I said it was lame and I'm sticking to it. Girls are great LZ. Please don't make me regress and say boys s..., I'm sorry I think I watch one of those lovely YouTube meditations. Peace be with you, all is well.

Thomas Wayne said...

Some of those won't matter when you find the right person (and at the right time), although #4 can be a lifelong battle, and it does get old sometimes...

Dealing with random feelings is another thing... but here's a way to laugh about it. Just remember to say this line to say to your woman:

"Of course I care about how you imagined I thought you perceived I wanted you to feel."


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